Probate Fee Calculator
Our BC probate fee calculator can help to estimate probate fees payable in British Columbia. Probate fees in BC are calculated using the total value of the estate assets on the date of a person’s death, less any secured debts.
No probate fee is payable if the estate’s total value is below $25,000. For estates with a value exceeding $25,000, a formula is used to determine the probate fees payable. The formula for probate fees in BC can be found in Section 2 of BC’s Probate Fee Act SBC 1999, c 4 (the “Act”):
(3) If the value of the estate exceeds $25 000 … the amount of fee payable is
(a) $6 for every $1 000 or part of $1 000 by which the value of the estate exceeds $25 000 but is not more than $50 000, plus
(b) $14 for every $1 000 or part of $1 000 by which the estate value exceeds $50 000.
The BC probate fee calculator found below is designed to apply the formula found in the Act to the approximate value of an estate subject to probate fees in British Columbia. This can provide a general sense of what probate fees may need to be paid out of the estate.
BC Probate Fee Calculator
Value of the Estate:
(Do not include commas)
BC Probate Fees:

There are a variety of techniques available to reduce or eliminate the need to pay probate fees, though, like all powerful tools, they should be employed carefully and only when appropriate. Having a general sense of the potential for probate savings can be a vital piece of information to have at hand when trying to make a considered decision about whether a technique to avoid or reduce probate fees is worth the expense and complexity involved. We have created this calculator as a quick reference to make it easier for you to access this information readily. It does not provide legal advice.
Sometimes, beneficiary-designatable assets like life insurance, Registered Retirement Savings Plans, Tax Free Savings Accounts, and the like can be used to avoid probate fees. However, this path has some rather significant hidden traps for the unwary. Co-ownership as joint tenants can also be used, though, again, this is an area of the law fraught with extraordinary complexity that is not immediately apparent, even to some professional advisors, and can cause tragic and expensive outcomes for those caught unaware. Similarly, the use of trusts (e.g. alter ego trusts, joint partner trusts, family trusts, insurance trusts, etc.) can be used to avoid probate fees. Again, this path is also littered with yet more daunting traps that, if not avoided, may entirely undermine one’s plan for one’s estate. As one of the most potent tools in the box, trusts can be used to great positive effect but can also cause catastrophe if misused. A plan devised with the assistance of an expert guide (or often a team of guides) can help address these traps and leave one with a sound, efficient plan for what happens with one’s assets upon one’s passing.
If you would like to speak with us about probate, probate fees, wills, or trusts or have any questions about estate planning or estate administration, please let us know.
Robson, O’Connor LLP offers a broad range of legal services, from buying or selling a home, refinancing, wills, estate planning, estate administration, corporate and commercial matters, family law, and many things in-between.
Paul, Martin, and an experienced team of five highly skilled paralegals and legal assistants, take great pride in providing the community with quality local legal services in a compassionate and neighbourly manner.